Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Merry Christmas!

We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful upcoming New Year! The picture above is from our Christams card. After 2 days of different places, poses and threats, we ended up in our backyard with the cutest picture. Below is how the nearly hour of posing in front of our Christmas tree really went. I think that was the second choke hold of the day by Sierra. Over the weekend Hunter had his last basketball game of the year, they won again. Way to go boys. Sierras team also played, I asked her what I should write about the game and she said" we played like crap and need to pass better." They lost if the quote didn't give it away. Luckily this game didn't count in their standings.Sierra also had her Christmas recital for dance over the weekend, she looked beautiful and did a great job! I did take pictures but they didn't turn out well...sorry. Santa hurry and bring my camera!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

I have been tagged!

Thanks to my cute sis- in -law Kim I have been tagged. So here are a few things maybe you did or didn't know about me.....

4 jobs I have had:

1. Wendy's ( where I met the most uptight manager, and love of my life :).
2. Zions Bank
3. Jordan Valley Hospital
4. North Star Academy

4 Movies I like to watch over and over...

1. The Princess Bride ( do I need to say more?)
2. Napoleon Dynamite ( Tina you fat lard never gets old)
3. Oceans 11 ( a good plot and even better eye candy!!)
4.13 going on 30( yeah I'm an 80's girl too.)

4 places I have lived:

1. Emery, Utah ( I am a small town girl at heart.)
2. Sandy,Utah
3.West Jordan, Utah ( on Misty Drive,how cool was that? Not so cool.)
4. Riverton, Utah

4 t.v. shows I watch ...

I really don't watch a lot of t.v., but I will be honest on the few things I do watch.

1. 10 o'clock news ( i know how exciting)
2. 48 hours mystery ( i love my crime shows.)
3. Any football and Basketball, I love Sunday football and Jazz games. ( yes, Matt is a lucky man.)
4. The Hills ( I know I am not 14 and I shouldn't watch it but I do... I am trying to stop the madness.)

4 places I have been, it is hard to pick 4 favorite.SO I didn't.

1. Puerto Rico
2. Belize
3. Bahamas
4. Glacier National Park
5. Oregon coast/Mt. Hood

4 people who email me regularly:

1. Brooke
2. Brenda & Manda
3. Heidi
4. Alice

4 Favorite foods

1. Pizza
2.chips and salsa
3. buttery popcorn
4. spinach and artichoke dip Do I eat meals or appetizers?

4 of my favorite songs..

  1. Anything by The Fray. I really love them, ask the kids, ( they worry a little ).
  2. It's Your Love by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill: Matt and I have a cute video to this song
  3. I love dance music, anything I can shake my booty to: Justin Timberlake, Fergie,Timbaland.. .
  4. Rhinestone Cowboy by Glenn Campbell.. oh yeah, just ask my sisters and bro. Sierra and I even have a little dance to this you gotta see it!

    4 things I look forward to in 2008

    1. planting a vegetable garden.
    2. traveling...lots!!
    3. No more surgeries...Matt that's for you babe.
    4. getting back into shape, I've been a slacker!!
    5. More fun times with the "Wingers" girls...that has been a blast!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sierras B-Ball game

Sierra played her first 9th grade league basketball game yesterday. She is starting point guard and played a great game. Her team won 17-14, and she scored 7 of those points. She had several assists, steals ,blocks, rebounds and even a not so legal moving screen... ooops. I think she wanted to play football for a moment. Sierra is #12, only the best number ever ( John Stockton, Aunt Ashlee and me : ). Each girl on the team has to host a dinner the Friday before a game. This week it was our turn, and it was a lot of fun to meet the girls. We had good food and a lot of laughs....Go Lady Eagles!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hunters Jr. Jazz game 12-08-07

Yeah!! We won our first game of the season. Hunter is on a new team this year, and they are awesome! The team has only had one practice, so they can only get better from here( and they're pretty darn good!!!).They won 29-10.Hunter had 4 points, along with several assists, blocks rebounds, and steals! He is double fours ( #44), so we call him Fesenko.Obviously looking at these pics I need a new camera...Santa if your reading this I've been really good.

We have Jazz fever!!

This year our friends asked us if we wanted to go in on season tickets. We have had a blast! Even though we are in upper bowl our seats are actually great! Sierra has only made it to two games because of dance, but this was a night when we were all able to go.We beat the Heat, it was a great game! Go Jazz!! We're heading to the finals!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Hunters 11th Birthday Party!

Hunter had been planning for weeks to play basketball and football at his party. Every time I threw out a suggestion to go somewhere, his reply would be " All I want to do is play ball with my friends." Friday I made a few last ditch efforts to find an indoor court ( which I suggested earlier : ). ) and everything was booked.Well, this is what we woke up to Saturday morning at least 5 inches of snow. So this party was headed indoors. Usually I am very organized and have everything just perfect. This was a true test of me going with the flow and having fun......with 10 11 year old boys?! Just don't ask Sierra and Matt how calm and collected I was that morning before the party started. It ended up being a lot of fun. We have an air hockey table, so we had a tournament with prizes for the winning team. Then we played a game of Sports trivia, the boys knew most of them, in the end the peanut people beat the muffins. We then played sports pictionary and the Utes beat the Silverwolves.After that we went down to the arcade basketball game and had a tournament. They then ate lots of pizza, ate brownie sundaes, and took these great pictures!
This was their "Hey Hot Girls pictures" I am worried. Keep your daughters inside!

And, Of course no cake for Hunter, because he absolutely does not like cake. So we had brownie sundaes. I think we are officially done with the Birthday parties for Hunter this year, but they were fun. Happy Birthday bud, we love you!