Monday, November 10, 2008

October Just Flew By......

Okay, so first of all I obviously can't fix the date on my dang camera....... This month has been so busy because Hunters team made it to playoffs! He was on such a great team this year and has had so much fun and learned TONS!! His team went to the Championship game and ended up losing to Bingham. We can't be sad though because they had an awesome season and the experience of going to the championship was so amazing for Hunter ......WAY TO GO HUNTER!!
Hunter and his friend Nick.

My Two Guys.......LOVE THIS PICTURE!!

So Halloween at our house was so much fun. Although I had a really sad realization, this is my last Halloween party as a room mom. I am getting old, or I guess my kids are getting old. Hunters party was fun, we had a "mummy race" where the kids took toilet paper and made mummies out of each other. This is Hunter as a toilet paper mummy. So for Halloween costumes this year my kids had definite plans. Sierra wanted to be a dead person, like the ones who walk around at Thriller. She had several "dress rehearsals" to make sure she looked well, dead. She looked great, and it only cost me $6.00 at the DI ( not the usual $60.00). I think that is a new record for Halloween costumes at my house. On the other hand,Hunters plans were that he had no plans.....that's my Hunter. So, for school he was a tacky tourist, white socks, get the idea. On Halloween night though, we ( meaning Sierra and I) turned him into a rocker chick. Yeah, he was stressed his dad or football coach would see him. Hunter had several people fooled, they thought he was a girl. Lane does this sound familiar?

Sierra and Hunter in all their Halloween glory :)

This is also the face I get when I do something to make her the least bit mad. The only time people tell her that she looks like me is when she makes this face. Yea, I am slightly offended...

And last of all my beautiful son :)


Birch Family Forever said...

I'm sorry Sam and I missed the game! I think Jeff will get a little tear in his eye when he sees the Halloween picture of Hunter, but I'm not sure if it will be because of the ACDC t-shirt or the fact that his nephew is wearing lipstick.

Jann said...

I have long thought it takes a real man to wear a skirt and fishnets.

Also, I talked to Matt on the phone the other night while I was dispatching and he was at fire. I told him, as Ashlee's good friend, it's in my job description to make his life difficult! :)

Burt Bunch said...

That is hilarious! Hunter looks great in that costume, you totally had me fooled at first glance!

Birch Family Forever said...

How come you only had pictures of sierra and her friend? I was hoping to see photo's of my MALE, HETROSEXUAL, ATHLETE Nephew Hunter.